Adam Lim | Bugis+ Shop Manager

Adam Lim

2014 Joined the company.

Bugis+ Shop Manager

A new planet to explore

OWNDAYS is very special. It’s different from my pervious company as it has a very open concept. Glasses are displayed openly and customers can try on the glasses freely without any stress. Not only that, I was intrigued by the corporate culture with OWNDAYS being a Japanese company. It was like a new planet for me to explore.

Good communication is key

After joining OWNDAYS, I began to understand the importance of good interpersonal skills. I’ve learnt to maintain good communication with my colleagues and to co-operate with each other even if we may have different opinions about certain things. Recently, I have the chance to run a shop as a Shop Manager, looking at ways to make the shop better, to improve the brand image and to increase customer satisfaction level.

Help the world see better

Everyone in OWNDAYS has the opportunity to show his ability as long as he is ready to take up the challenge. I think the eyewear industry is a very meaningful industry. We are helping the world see better and clearer. I hope I can continue to grow my career in OWNDAYS and to contribute to the company.